Posts Tagged ‘bite-sized marketing’


This segment of bite-sized marketing focuses on how to make more effective marketing materials by color choice. The Logo Company has created this handy resource to show what emotions are inspired by certain colors: Color Emotion Guide22 Psychology Of Color In Logo Design

This could be helpful for marketing library programs to the public: Doing a speed-dating event at the library? Try orange. Planning a “First Resume” workshop for high-schoolers? Yellow and red would be good options.

Color choice can also play a role in your website. The HubSpot ran a test to see if a red button or a green button would perform better. The red button outperformed the green by 21%. But, as the HubSpot warns, the takeaway from the test isn’t that red will always do better than green. The takeaway is that testing and trying options to see what appeals to your audience is important. If your teen blog isn’t getting results with its color scheme, change it up, and monitor what works and what doesn’t.

Finally, behind the cut is a great infographic from Kissmetrics on how color affects purchases (or check-outs or attendance, for librarians).
